Margaret Ann Kassen

Language Learners of Tomorrow: Process and Promise. Margaret Ann Kassen, editor. Preface by Martha G. Abbott, Introduction by Margaret Ann Kassen,Developing Autonomous Language Learners: Defining a New Role for Second Language Teachers in the 21st Century by Anita L. Wenden, Reading and Writing Processes: Learning Strategies in Immersion Classrooms by Anna Uhl Chamot, Whose Course Is It? Students as Course Co-Creators by Marva A. Barnett, Student Voices: Changing the Teaching-Learning Paradigm Using a Student Management Team by Roberta Z. Lavine, Student Perspectives on the Internet: The Promise and Process of Online Newspapers and Chats by Lina Lee, Bridges and Boundaries: Growing the Cross-Cultural Mind by Vicki Galloway, Performance Assessment for Language Studentsby Ghislaine Tulou and Frances Pettigrew, Critical Thinking and Reflective Learning in the Latin Classroom by John Muccigrosso and Deborah Pennell Ross, Learning Autonomy, National Standards, and Language Learners of Tomorrow by Rebecca Oxford and Angela Carpenter 1999