Barbara H. Wing

Foreign Languages for All: Challenges and Choices.  Barbara H. Wing, editor.  Foreign Languages for All: Challenges and Choices – An Introduction by Barbara H. Wing: The Case for Multilingual Citizens in the 21st Century by Jeffrey J. Munks: Starting Early: Foreign Languages in the Elementary and Middle Schools by Barbara H. Wing: Meeting the Challenges of the Diverse Secondary School Population by Emily Spinelli: Choices in Postsecondary Foreign Language Programs by Susan M. Bacon: National Standards and the Challenge of Articulation by Claire W. Jackson: Technological Choices to Meet the Challenges by Sue K. Otto and James P. Pusack:R(T)eaching All Students: Necessary Changes in Teacher Education by Diane Tedick and Constance L. Walker: State Foreign Language Standards Projects – A Samplingby Paul Sandrock. 1996