Mills F. Edgerton, Jr.

Sight and Sound: The Sensible and Sensitive Use of Audio-Visual Aids. Mills F. Edgerton, Jr., Editor. Non-Projected Visuals by  Brenda Frazier: Sound Recordings by  Jermaine Arendt  (Using Taped Material in Studying Goethe’s Faust in High School: A Slide-Tape Demonstration – by Margaret Shryer): Slides and Filmstrips by  Rev. Hilary Hayden, O.S.B. (Combray: A Multi-Media Introduction to the World of Marcel Proust by Pierre Capretz): The Overhead Projector by  James J. Wrenn,  Motion Pictures by Allan W. Grundstrom (Motion-Picture Film: A Demonstration – by Mills F. Edgerton, Jr.): Television by Joseph H. Sheehan (Demonstration of the Use of Television in the Training of Foreign-Language Teachers – by Joseph Sheehan and Robert Willis): Let us Build Bridges by Stephen A. Freeman.  1969