Frederick D. Eddy

The Language Learner. Frederick D. Eddy, Editor.  Modern Foreign Language Learning: Assumptions and Implications, Wilmarth H. Starr, Chairman; Alfred G. Pellegrino, Frederick H. Dedmond, James H. Grew, Elizabeth H. Ratte, Clyde Russell; A Provisional Program to Implement the Report of Committee I: A Six-Year Sequence from Grade Nine Through the Second Year of College,  Gordon R. Silber, Chairman; Jeannette Atkins, Paul M. Glaude, Richard R. Miller, Jauquina Navarro, W. Napoleon Rivers, Nita W. Savage: Elementary and Junior High School Curricula, Filomena C. Peloro, Chairman, Alexander S. Hughes, J. Donald Bowen, Doris Dunn, Mary Lou Washburn, Isamael Silva-Fuenzalida: Definition of Language Competences Through Testing, Nelson Brooks, Chairman; James M. Ferrigno, Charles A. Choquette, Esther M. Eaton, Mary E. Hayes, Maxim Newmark, Perry Sturges: Committee on Resolutions, Harry L. Levy, Chairman; Archibald T. MacAllister, Mary P. Thompson.  1959